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Hourly Wage
IUEC wages prevail across the US and Canada, making them the highest in North America.
The Canadian Elevator Industry Pension Plan (CEIPP) is one of the finest multiemployer pension plans in North America. Our retirees are enjoying a lifetime guaranteed pension as early as the age of 55. Click below to learn more about the pension plan.
Welfare Plan
The Canadian Elevator Industry Welfare Plan (CEIWP) gives members and their families access to the very best care available. Along with reimbursement for medical coverage, this plan includes mental health/substance abuse, dental, vision care, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and a Member and Family Assistance Program.
The Canadian Elevator Industry Educational Program (CEIEP) is a comprehensive program detailing every aspect of the trade for apprentices. It also provides continuing education classes for mechanics to hone their skills. Click below for more information.
Working conditions
Your working conditions, job expectations, rate of pay, and benefits are created through a renewable agreement between your elected IUEC representatives and the employers in the elevator industry. You have rights as an IUEC member, and just as important, you have responsibilities to be the best elevator constructor you can be.
Your safety is the top priority of the IUEC. The IUEC has a department dedicated solely to safety. They meet directly with employer representatives to discuss ways to improve safety throughout North America. This unified message is continued with direct interaction with OHS and local AHJs to ensure the safest working conditions in the industry.