IUEC-VAP Summit 2024

The first International Union of Elevator Constructors Veterans Assistance Program (IUEC-VAP) Summit was held October 2-3, 2024, at the National Elevator Industry Educational Program (NEIEP) Instructor Training Center in Warwick, RI.


Led by IUEC-VAP National Chairman Jason Gray (IUEC) via video, along with IUEC-VAP National Co-Chairman Ryan Donnell (EIWPF), Ben Valinsky (NEIEP), IUEC-VAP National Director of Programs and Education, and Jeff Handibode (NEIEP), IUEC-VAP National Claims and Disabilities Liaison, the two-day event was moderated by Elizabeth Belcaster, a consultant to the program who brings extensive experience in Veterans training and work programs for governmental, nonprofit, and labor organizations.

NEIEP’s Executive Director David Morgan launched the day’s events with an introduction to the IUEC VAP’s mission and goals.

Presentations and panel discussions included:

  • An overview of the program, led by Ryan Donnell (EIWPF), IUEC-VAP National Co-Chairman, Ben Valinsky (NEIEP), and Will Attig, Union Veterans Council
  • Colonel (Ret.) John Fenzel, US Army Special Forces with a presentation on leadership, resilience, and service to the nation
  • A talk on mental health and wellness moderated by Sam Whitehurst, Vice President, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services, and including Ben Valinsky, Ryan Donnell, and Mike Hazard, Veterans in Piping (VIP), United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
  • A panel on IUEC Government Agency Support moderated by Elizabeth Belcaster and featuring a virtual appearance by Kris Rick, U.S. DOL VETS
  • A panel on IUEC claims and disabilities moderated by Jeff Handibode, IUEC-VAP National Claims and Disabilities Liaison and featuring Kevin O’Neil, American Legion, Senior Policy Associate, Alexander Yukna, Disabled American Veterans, DSO, and Kiesha Currin, Senior Veterans Claims Examiner from the Muskogee Regional Office, RI Veterans Affairs
  • Guest speaker Colonel Jarrett Thomas, Director, US Army Soldier for Life
  • A panel on union-Veteran partnerships moderated by Elizabeth Belcaster and featuring Martin Helms, Executive Director, Helmets to Hardhats (Virtual), Sam Whitehurst, Vice-President, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services, and Ryan Donnell, IUEC VAP National Co-Chairman
  • A panel on Women in the Military / Women in the Trades moderated by Elizabeth Belcaster and featuring MSG Lorena Wilson, US Army Soldier for Life, Sarah Caughey, NEIEP Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Ryan Donnell IUEC-VAP National Co-Chair
  • A keynote speech by Phyllis Wilson, President, Military Women’s National Memorial, on honoring and empowering women Veterans in their post-service careers
  • A panel on GI benefits and IUEC apprenticeship moderated by Jeff Handibode, IUEC-VAP National Claims and Disabilities Liaison, and featuring Ben Valinsky (NEIEP), IUEC VAP National Director for Programs and Education, and Ryan Donnell (EIWPF), IUEC-VAP National Co-Chairman
  • A panel on legislation and Veteran advocacy moderated by Elizabeth Belcaster and featuring Matthew Watson, IUEC-VAP Boston / Tri Nguyen and Sean O’Connell Leave Act, Kevin O’Neil, Senior Policy Associate, American Legion Representative – Legion Legislative, Ben Valinsky – IUEC-VAP National Director of Programs and Education, and a virtual appearance by Will Attig, National Director, AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council
  • A fireside chat / IUEC-VAP team discussion on “The Way Ahead” featuring IUEC-VAP National Co-Chairman Ryan Donnell, IUEC-VAP National Director of Programs and Education Ben Valinsky, and IUEC-VAP National Claims and Disabilities Liaison Jeff Handibode
  • John Caughey, NEIEP’s Assistant Director, leading a guided tour of the IUEC NEIEP facility to showcase NEIEP’s training programs, technologies, and resources

Both days concluded with Q&A sessions for attendees to interact with panelists for deeper discussions and feedback on the topics that were covered throughout the day.

The mission of the IUEC Veterans Assistance Program is “to honor the service and sacrifice of Veterans and their families within the IUEC by providing comprehensive assistance and support. Through tools, resources, awareness, and opportunities, the EC-VAP strives to empower Veterans and their families to thrive within the IUEC and their communities at large.”

Because the skills servicemembers learn in the military transfer well to careers in the building trades, many IUEC elevator constructors have military backgrounds. Programs like Helmets to Hardhats have been instrumental in helping Veterans transition to civilian careers in the elevator industry, and the Veterans Assistance Program aims to build on that success by helping IUEC Veterans and IUEC Veteran spouses apply for and access the education/GI Bill, disability, and other benefits they earned through their military service.

IUEC elevator constructor apprentices, mechanics, and retirees who are Veterans or spouses of Veterans may register for the program by filling out the VAP form located in the back of the Elevator Constructor journal or by emailing vap@iuec.org with their name and contact information, International Union number, ULink ID, branch of military service, years served, and rank.